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Love & Hate
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Product Name Love & Hate
Model JUN. K
Price $14.70
Discounted Price $11.91 ( $2.79 discount)
Reward Points $0.05 (0.50%)
Description [Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 13 X 17 X 2 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: June 2014

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

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- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.
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Love & Hate 14.7 (  0.05)
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[Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 13 X 17 X 2 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: June 2014

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

[Additional Notice]
- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.

'2PM준케이, 하이엔드 감성 솔로 앨범 ‘LOVE & HATE’
2PM Jun. K, 오리콘1위 앨범 LOVE & HATE 한국발매

- 일본현지 앨범 발매 전부터 예약차트 1위, 발매 동시 오리콘, 타워레코드 1위 기록
- 일본 솔로 앨범 ‘LOVE & HATE’ 미니앨범 전곡 자작곡 + 프로듀싱
- 세계적인 피아니스트 Lang Lang, 일본 현지 유명 아티스트 AI, SIMON 등 국경을 넘는 하이엔드 콜라보레이션 눈길
- Jun. K의 강렬한 매력과 감성 담긴 앨범

오리콘 1위에 빛나는 2PM Jun. K의 솔로앨범 ‘LOVE & HATE’가 한국에서 발매된다. JYP는 12일 정오 온라인 음원 사이트를 통해 음원을 공개, 16일에는 오프라인 앨범을 발매 한다고 밝혔다. 지난 5월 14일 현지에서 발매된 Jun. K의 일본 첫 솔로앨범 ‘LOVE & HATE’는 발매 전부터 일본 최대 음반사이트인 타워레코드 예약차트의 1, 2, 3위를 기록하는 등 비상한 관심을 모은 가운데, 14일 발매와 동시에 오리콘 일간 앨범차트 1위는 물론 타워레코드 일간차트 1위로 등극하며 큰 사랑을 받은 명반.
Jun. K의 일본 솔로 미니 앨범 ‘LOVE & HATE’는 LOVE & HATE, NO MUSIC NO LIFE feat. AI, With You, Mr. Doctor, REAL LOVE piano by Lang Lang, LOVE & HATE (Instrumental)이 담겨 있으며, 한국판을 위한 스페셜 트랙 NO LOVE(Korean Ver.)가 담겨 있다. 국내외에서 활발히 활동하는 싱어송라이터 Jun. K가 전곡 작사, 작곡은 물론 앨범 프로듀싱까지 맡아 트랙리스트 만으로도 Jun. K의 음악적 역량을 가감 없이 느낄 수 있다.
Jun. K의 첫 솔로앨범 ‘LOVE & HATE’는 일본 현지 정상급 아티스트들과의 콜라보레이션이 눈길을 끈다. Jun. K의 솔로앨범에 수록되어 있는 "NO MUSIC NO LIFE"는 일본 R&B계에서 최고의 인기를 누리는 가수 AI가 피쳐링에 참여해 파워풀한 보컬을 가진 AI와 Jun. K의 환상적인 하모니를 기대케 하며, REAL LOVE에는 세계적인 피아니스트 LANG LANG이 참여해 하이엔드 콜라보레이션의 극치를 선보인다.
또한 준케이가 직접 디자인한 브랜드의 이름과 동일한 NO LOVE는 준케이와 슈퍼창따이의 작곡팀인 143v가 작곡을, 작사는 감성 작곡가 김은수가 준케이와 함께했다. 사랑에 대한 단념과 그 이유, 그리고 상처가 R&B리듬을 타고 준케이의 소울풀한 보이스를 만나 감성을 사로 잡는다.
LOVE & HATE, Jun. K의 하이엔드 감성과 매력을 느껴보자.
2PM JUN. K’s high-end solo album ‘LOVE & HATE’
JUN. K’s No. 1 album on the Oricon chart, LOVE & HATE is released in South Korea.

- Holding atop ahead of the official release in Japan. Debuted at No. 1 on the Oricon and Tower Record charts
- ‘LOVE & HATE’, the artist’s Japanese solo album with all songs he wrote, composed, and produced himself
- Attracting the spotlight with collaborative songs that features world-class pianist Lang Lang and famous Japanese artists AI and SIMON
- An album packed with the power and sensibility of JUN. K

2PM JUN. K’s solo album which reached at No. 1 on the Oricon chart, ‘LOVE & HATE’ is released in South Korea. JYP unveils the sound source on online music streaming platforms at midday on the 12th and says the physical album will be released on the 16th. JUN. K’s first solo album “LOVE & HATE’ attracted the spotlight before its official release as it won the first, second, and third places for the pre-release albums on the Japanese biggest music retail website Tower Records. This masterpiece received a lot of love as it debuted at No. 1 on the Oricon and Tower Records’ Weekly charts.
JUN. K’s Japanese solo mini album ‘LOVE & HATE’ includes LOVE & HATE, NO MUSIC NO LIFE (Feat. AI), With You, Mr. Doctor, REAL LOVE (Piano by Lang Lang), LOVE & HATE (Instrumental), as well as the special track for the Korean version NO LOVE (Korean Ver.). The singer songwriter who has been busy doing his projects in South Korea and abroad wrote and composed all tracks himself. He also produced the album himself to boast his musical talent through the track list.
JUN. K’s first solo album LOVE & HATE draws attention with collaborative works that feature A-list musicians in Japan. "NO MUSIC NO LIFE" boasts a beautiful harmony created by JUN. K and the top Japanese R&B singer AI who has a powerful vocal. REAL LOVE is the best collaborative work of all time the world-class pianist LANG LANG contributes to.
The track NO LOVE, same as the brand JUN. K designs himself, is composed by SUPER CHANGDDAI’s team 143v and written by KIM EUN SOO and the artist. This song makes listeners enthralled with the R&B rhythms and the artist’s soulful voice while portraying the reason for giving up love and the pain in the aftermath.
Discover JUN. K’s sensibility and charm through the high-end album LOVE & HATE.
「2PMジュンケイ、ハイエンドの感性を盛り込んだソロアルバム「LOVE & HATE」
2PMジュンケイ、オリコン1位を獲得したアルバム「LOVE & HATE」を韓国でリリース

‐日本発売のソロアルバム「LOVE & HATE」ミニアルバムの全自作曲+プロデュースを担当
‐世界的に有名なピアニストLang Lang、日本現地の有名なアーティストAIやSIMONなど、国境を超えるハイエンドコラボレーションに注目

オリコン1位に輝く2PMジュンケイのソロアルバム「LOVE & HATE」が韓国でリリースされる。JYPは12日の正午、オンライン音楽配信サイトにて曲を公開し、16日にはオフラインでアルバムをリリースすると発表した。5月14日、現地でリリースしたジュンケイの日本初ソロアルバム「LOVE & HATE」は、リリースする前から日本最大のアルバムサイトであるタワーレコードの予約ランキング1、2、3位を記録するなど、熱い注目を浴びた中で、14日にはリリースすると同時にオリコン日刊アルバムランキング1位はもちろん、タワーレコード日刊ランキング1位を獲得した、高い人気を集めた名盤である。
ジュンケイの日本ソロミニアルバム「LOVE & HATE」はLOVE & HATE、NO MUSIC NO LIVE feat.AI、With You、Mr.Doctor、REAL LOVE piano by Lang Lang, LOVE & HATE(Instrumental)が収録されており、韓国バージョンのためのスペシャルトラックNO LOVE(Korean Ver.)も収録されている。韓国と海外で活動するシンガーソングライターとしてのジュンケイは、作詞・作曲をはじめ、アルバムのプロデュースまで担当し、トラックリストだけでもジュンケイの音楽の実力がありのままに感じられる。
ジュンケイの初ソロアルバム「LOVE & HATE」は、日本現地の有名なアーティストたちとのコラボレーションが目を惹く。ジュンケイのソロアルバムに収録されている『NO MUSIC NO LIFE』は日本R&B界で多くの人気を得た歌手AIがフィーチャリングに参加し、パワフルなボーカルが魅力のAIとジュンケイの完璧なコラボに期待が高まる。REAL LOVEには世界的に有名なピアニストLANG LANGが参加し、究極のハイエンドコラボレーションを披露する。
また、ジュンケイが直接デザインしたブランド名と同じ「NO LOVE」は、ジュンケイとSUPER CHANGDDAI作曲チームの143vが作曲を担当し、作詞には作曲家キム・ウンスが参加した。R&Bリズムにのせた愛に対するあきらめとその理由、そして傷が、ジュンケイのソウル溢れる声と重なってファンの心を奪うだろう。
LOVE & HATE、ジュンケイのハイエンドの感性と魅力を感じてみよう。
'2PM JUN. K,浓郁情感个人专辑'LOVE & HATE'
2PM Jun. K,荣登日本公信榜第一的专辑“LOVE & HATE”在韩国发行

- 在日本发售前就荣登预售榜第一,一经发售就登上日本公信榜和Tower Records排行榜榜首
- 日本个人专辑“LOVE & HATE”迷你专辑中全部歌曲为自作曲+亲自制作
- 世界级钢琴家Lang Lang、日本著名艺术家AI、SIMON等跨国高端合作引人注目
- 融入JUN. K强烈魅力和情感的专辑

获公信榜排名第一的2PM JUN. K个人专辑“LOVE & HATE”将在韩国发行。JYP宣布将于12日中午通过在线音乐网站发布音源,并于16日发布线下专辑。5月14日在日本发售的JUN. K首张个人专辑“LOVE & HATE”,发售前就在日本最大的唱片网站Tower Records预售榜中排名1、2、3名,引起了高度关注。14日一经发售就登上了公信榜专辑日榜首位,还荣获Tower Records排行榜第一名,备受大家的喜爱。
JUN. K的日本个人迷你专辑“LOVE & HATE”包含LOVE & HATE、NO MUSIC NO LIFE feat. AI、With You、Mr. Doctor、REAL LOVE piano by Lang Lang、LOVE & HATE (Instrumental),以及韩语版的特别曲目NO LOVE(Korean Ver.)。活跃在海外内歌坛的JUN. K负责所有歌曲的作词和作曲,以及专辑的制作。只通过歌曲目录就能感受到JUN. K的音乐实力。
首张个人专辑“LOVE & HATE”中JUN. K与日本顶级艺术家的合作引起了大家的关注。在日本R&B界享有最高人气的歌手AI,参与了JUN. K个人专辑收录曲“NO MUSIC NO LIFE”的伴唱,AI与JUN. K的梦幻和声令人期待。世界著名钢琴家LANG LANG参与了歌曲REAL LOVE的制作,实现了合作巅峰。
此外,与JUN. K设计的品牌同名的NO LOVE,是由JUN. K和Super Changddai的作曲家团队143v作曲,由音乐制作人Kim Eunsoo与JUN. K合作作词。R&B节奏和JUN. K充满感染力的声音,结合放弃爱情和其理由及伤痛,展现感性氛围。
LOVE & HATE, 让我们感受一下JUN. K的浓郁感性和魅力。

[Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 13 X 17 X 2 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: June 2014

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

[Additional Notice]
- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.


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- Payment by credit cards issued in South Korea may be rejected.
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    Period: 5 to 30 days
    Destination: Worldwide (destinations where EMS, DHL is available except Japan, China, Macau, and Hong Kong)
    Cost: International shipping fee

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    ※ The list of shipping destinations is subject to continuous change due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information, please make an inquiry on the Customer Service board.
    - Shipping may be delayed due to stock availability and warehousing operations.
    - Delivery takes 5 to 30 business days depending on your destination.
    - If your order includes made-to-order or pre-order items, your shipment will be dispatched when all items you purchase are prepared.
    - If the item you purchase is out of stock, you will be notified individually.
    - Your shipment may not arrive on the scheduled date due to custom clearance or shipping operations.
    - Customs charges are calculated based on the materials, manufacturing methods, and purposes of imported products. Make an inquiry to your local customs office for more information.
    - Recipients are responsible for taxes or customs charges levied on the imported product by the local customs office.

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Make a private inquiry to our customer service within 7 days of delivery and include the picture or video of your item to prove the grounds  for exchanges/refunds (the whole item or defective part), order number, barcode, reason for returns.
* Returns for defective and mis-shipped items are offered when the request is made within 7 days of delivery.
* If you need to request an exchange or return for missed items, read through FAQs before you make an inquiry.

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- Items specified as ‘not refundable’ due to the change of mind (made-to-order/pre-order products)

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